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21 November 2024

 N    11:37  Volkmann 1770, 2, 469 (Q2221)‎‎ 11 changes history +4,904 [Lillegul‎ (11×)]
11:37 (cur | prev) +404 Lillegul talk contribs (‎Created claim: main subject (P13): rare manuscripts (Q1878))
11:36 (cur | prev) +334 Lillegul talk contribs (‎Created claim: volume (P82): 2)
11:36 (cur | prev) +402 Lillegul talk contribs (‎Created claim: main subject (P13): Altieri Palace (Rome) (Q490))
11:36 (cur | prev) +418 Lillegul talk contribs (‎Created claim: main subject (P13): Altieri Library (Rome) (Q491))
11:36 (cur | prev) +336 Lillegul talk contribs (‎Created claim: page(s) (P74): 469)
11:36 (cur | prev) +418 Lillegul talk contribs (‎Created claim: taken from (P8): Historisch-Kritische Nachrichten von Italien, welche eine genaue Beschreibung dieses Landes, der ... Aus den neuesten Franzosischen und englischen Anmerkungen zusammengetragen von D.J. J. Volkmann (Q1996))
11:36 (cur | prev) +1,672 Lillegul talk contribs (‎Created claim: text of the quotation (P4): Die Bibliothek des Pallastes ist prachtig und mit seltnen Manuscripten versehen. Man verwahrt bey derselben auch eine beträchtliche Sammlung von alten Münzen und geschnittenen Gemmen.)
11:35 (cur | prev) +412 Lillegul talk contribs (‎Created claim: instance of (P1): quotation (Q3))
11:35 (cur | prev) +97 Lillegul talk contribs (‎Added [en] description: excerpt on the Altieri Library in Rome)
11:35 (cur | prev) +80 Lillegul talk contribs (‎Added [en] label: Volkmann 1770, 2, 469)
11:33 (cur | prev) +331 Lillegul talk contribs (‎Created a new Item: Volkmann 1770, 2, 469, brano sulla biblioteca Altieri a Roma)
      11:37  Altieri Library (Rome) (Q491)‎‎ 2 changes history +830 [Lillegul‎ (2×)]
11:37 (cur | prev) +415 Lillegul talk contribs (‎Changed claim: contains (P18): rare manuscripts (Q1878))
11:37 (cur | prev) +415 Lillegul talk contribs (‎Changed claim: linked entity (P15): Altieri Palace (Rome) (Q490))
 N    11:31  Volkmann 1770, 2, 467 (Q2220)‎‎ 11 changes history +4,398 [Lillegul‎ (11×)]
11:31 (cur | prev) +402 Lillegul talk contribs (‎Created claim: main subject (P13): Convent of the Society of Jesus (Rome) (Q506))
11:30 (cur | prev) +334 Lillegul talk contribs (‎Created claim: volume (P82): 2)
11:30 (cur | prev) +418 Lillegul talk contribs (‎Created claim: main subject (P13): Library of the Convent of the Society of Jesus (Rome) (Q507))
11:30 (cur | prev) +336 Lillegul talk contribs (‎Created claim: page(s) (P74): 467)
11:30 (cur | prev) +418 Lillegul talk contribs (‎Created claim: taken from (P8): Historisch-Kritische Nachrichten von Italien, welche eine genaue Beschreibung dieses Landes, der ... Aus den neuesten Franzosischen und englischen Anmerkungen zusammengetragen von D.J. J. Volkmann (Q1996))
11:30 (cur | prev) +1,530 Lillegul talk contribs (‎Created claim: text of the quotation (P4): Im Kloster stehet eine herrliche Bibliothek.)
11:29 (cur | prev) +412 Lillegul talk contribs (‎Created claim: instance of (P1): quotation (Q3))
11:29 (cur | prev) +113 Lillegul talk contribs (‎Added [en] description: excerpt on the convent library of the Society of Jesus)
11:28 (cur | prev) +12 Lillegul talk contribs (‎Changed [it] description: brano sulla biblioteca del convento della Compagnia del Gesù)
11:28 (cur | prev) +80 Lillegul talk contribs (‎Added [en] label: Volkmann 1770, 2, 467)
11:26 (cur | prev) +343 Lillegul talk contribs (‎Created a new Item: Volkmann 1770, 2, 467, brano sulla biblioteca del Collegio Romano a Roma)
      11:31  Library of the Convent of the Society of Jesus (Rome) (Q507) diffhist +415 Lillegul talk contribs (‎Changed claim: linked entity (P15): Convent of the Society of Jesus (Rome) (Q506))
      11:01  Casanatense Library (Rome) (Q510)‎‎ 4 changes history +1,660 [Lillegul‎ (4×)]
11:01 (cur | prev) +415 Lillegul talk contribs (‎Changed claim: contains (P18): Collection of Girolamo Casanate (Q509))
11:00 (cur | prev) +415 Lillegul talk contribs (‎Changed claim: contains (P18): Pinaroli Polyanthéa Thecnica inedita (Q1970))
10:57 (cur | prev) +415 Lillegul talk contribs (‎Changed claim: linked entity (P15): Girolamo Casanate (Q508))
10:54 (cur | prev) +415 Lillegul talk contribs (‎Changed claim: open days (P24): all days (Q299))
 N    11:00  Volkmann 1770, 2, 458 (2) (Q2219)‎‎ 9 changes history +4,224 [Lillegul‎ (9×)]
11:00 (cur | prev) +334 Lillegul talk contribs (‎Created claim: volume (P82): 2)
11:00 (cur | prev) +418 Lillegul talk contribs (‎Created claim: main subject (P13): Casanatense Library (Rome) (Q510))
11:00 (cur | prev) +336 Lillegul talk contribs (‎Created claim: page(s) (P74): 458)
11:00 (cur | prev) +418 Lillegul talk contribs (‎Created claim: taken from (P8): Historisch-Kritische Nachrichten von Italien, welche eine genaue Beschreibung dieses Landes, der ... Aus den neuesten Franzosischen und englischen Anmerkungen zusammengetragen von D.J. J. Volkmann (Q1996))
10:59 (cur | prev) +1,738 Lillegul talk contribs (‎Created claim: text of the quotation (P4): Man zeigt den Fremden ein Manuscript von vier großen Bånden in Quart, unter dem Titel: Poliandri Polianthea Technica, worin alle Werkzeuge der Künste und Handwerker fleißig aber ohne Maaßstab, und mit einer schlechten Erklärung abgezeichnet sind)
10:59 (cur | prev) +412 Lillegul talk contribs (‎Created claim: instance of (P1): quotation (Q3))
10:58 (cur | prev) +118 Lillegul talk contribs (‎Added [en] description: excerpt on notable works in the Casanatense library in Rome)
10:58 (cur | prev) +84 Lillegul talk contribs (‎Added [en] label: Volkmann 1770, 2, 458 (2))
10:58 (cur | prev) +366 Lillegul talk contribs (‎Created a new Item: Volkmann 1770, 2, 458 (2), brano su opere notevoli presenti nella biblioteca Casanatense a Roma)
 N    10:57  Volkmann 1770, 2, 458 (Q2218)‎‎ 10 changes history +4,593 [Lillegul‎ (10×)]
10:57 (cur | prev) +402 Lillegul talk contribs (‎Created claim: main subject (P13): Girolamo Casanate (Q508))
10:57 (cur | prev) +334 Lillegul talk contribs (‎Created claim: volume (P82): 2)
10:57 (cur | prev) +418 Lillegul talk contribs (‎Created claim: main subject (P13): Casanatense Library (Rome) (Q510))
10:57 (cur | prev) +336 Lillegul talk contribs (‎Created claim: page(s) (P74): 458)
10:57 (cur | prev) +418 Lillegul talk contribs (‎Created claim: taken from (P8): Historisch-Kritische Nachrichten von Italien, welche eine genaue Beschreibung dieses Landes, der ... Aus den neuesten Franzosischen und englischen Anmerkungen zusammengetragen von D.J. J. Volkmann (Q1996))
10:57 (cur | prev) +1,757 Lillegul talk contribs (‎Created claim: text of the quotation (P4): Das meiste zu diesem Bücherschake, nicht nur in Ansehung der Bücher selbst, sondern auch des dazu vermachten ansehnlichen Fonds, hat der Kardinal Hieronymus Casanatta beygetragen, daher_auch seine marmorne Statue von der Hand des le Gros in dem Saale aufgerichtet ist.)
10:56 (cur | prev) +412 Lillegul talk contribs (‎Created claim: instance of (P1): quotation (Q3))
10:56 (cur | prev) +101 Lillegul talk contribs (‎Added [en] description: excerpt on the Casanatense Library in Rome)
10:56 (cur | prev) +80 Lillegul talk contribs (‎Added [en] label: Volkmann 1770, 2, 458)
10:55 (cur | prev) +335 Lillegul talk contribs (‎Created a new Item: Volkmann 1770, 2, 458, brano sulla biblioteca Casanatense a Roma)
      10:54  Volkmann 1770, 2, 457-458 (Q2216)‎‎ 2 changes history +806 [Lillegul‎ (2×)]
10:54 (cur | prev) +404 Lillegul talk contribs (‎Created claim: main subject (P13): Giovanni Battista Audiffredi (Q2217))
10:54 (cur | prev) +402 Lillegul talk contribs (‎Created claim: main subject (P13): Convent of Santa Maria sopra Minerva (Rome) (Q511))