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Show new changes starting from 10:26, 21 November 2024
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21 November 2024

 N    10:12  Volkmann 1770, 2, 387 (Q2214)‎‎ 10 changes history +4,669 [Lillegul‎ (10×)]
10:12 (cur | prev) +402 Lillegul talk contribs (‎Created claim: main subject (P13): Convent of the oratory of Saint Phillip Neri (Rome) (Q410))
10:11 (cur | prev) +334 Lillegul talk contribs (‎Created claim: volume (P82): 2)
10:11 (cur | prev) +418 Lillegul talk contribs (‎Created claim: main subject (P13): Vallicelliana Library (Rome) (Q411))
10:11 (cur | prev) +336 Lillegul talk contribs (‎Created claim: page(s) (P74): 387)
10:11 (cur | prev) +418 Lillegul talk contribs (‎Created claim: taken from (P8): Historisch-Kritische Nachrichten von Italien, welche eine genaue Beschreibung dieses Landes, der ... Aus den neuesten Franzosischen und englischen Anmerkungen zusammengetragen von D.J. J. Volkmann (Q1996))
10:10 (cur | prev) +1,867 Lillegul talk contribs (‎Created claim: text of the quotation (P4): An die Kirche stößt das Oratorio dieser Våter, welches einen Beweis des ausschweifenden Genies von Borromini abgiebt. [...] Das Klozster ist von eben diesem Borromini angelegt. Eine richtige Säulenordnung trägt eine doppelte Gallerie, welches dem Gebäude ein neues und edles Ansehen giebt. Die Våter dieses Ordens besiken eine herrliche Bibliothek, mit vielen Manuscripten.)
10:09 (cur | prev) +412 Lillegul talk contribs (‎Created claim: instance of (P1): quotation (Q3))
10:09 (cur | prev) +65 Lillegul talk contribs (‎Added [en] description: excerpt)
10:09 (cur | prev) +80 Lillegul talk contribs (‎Added [en] label: Volkmann 1770, 2, 387)
10:09 (cur | prev) +337 Lillegul talk contribs (‎Created a new Item: Volkmann 1770, 2, 387, brano sulla biblioteca Vallicelliana a Roma)
      10:12  Vallicelliana Library (Rome) (Q411)‎‎ 2 changes history +830 [Lillegul‎ (2×)]
10:12 (cur | prev) +415 Lillegul talk contribs (‎Changed claim: has part(s) of the class (P42): manuscripts (Q59))
10:12 (cur | prev) +415 Lillegul talk contribs (‎Changed claim: linked entity (P15): Convent of the oratory of Saint Phillip Neri (Rome) (Q410))
      09:27  Biblioteca Angelica (Rome) (Q407)‎‎ 12 changes history +6,157 [Lillegul‎ (12×)]
09:27 (cur | prev) +1,197 Lillegul talk contribs (‎Created claim: linked entity (P15): Enrico Noris (Q2189))
09:26 (cur | prev) +415 Lillegul talk contribs (‎Changed claim: linked entity (P15): Lucas Holstenius (Q716))
09:26 (cur | prev) +1,255 Lillegul talk contribs (‎Created claim: contains (P18): Collection of Luca Olstenio (Q2213))
09:22 (cur | prev) +1,195 Lillegul talk contribs (‎Created claim: linked entity (P15): Domenico Silvio Passionei (Q256))
09:21 (cur | prev) −838 Lillegul talk contribs (‎Removed claim: linked entity (P15): Cardinal Passionei Library (Rome) (Q303))
09:20 (cur | prev) −1,666 Lillegul talk contribs (‎Removed claim: linked entity (P15): Passionei Collection (Q258))
09:20 (cur | prev) +2,081 Lillegul talk contribs (‎Created claim: contains (P18): Passionei Collection (Q258))
09:19 (cur | prev) +858 Lillegul talk contribs (‎Created claim: contains (P18): Collection of Enrico Noris (Q2212))
09:13 (cur | prev) +415 Lillegul talk contribs (‎Changed claim: instance of (P1): public library (Q75))
09:12 (cur | prev) +415 Lillegul talk contribs (‎Changed claim: open days (P24): every day of the week except holidays (Q44))
09:12 (cur | prev) +415 Lillegul talk contribs (‎Changed claim: linked entity (P15): Angelo Rocca (Q717))
09:11 (cur | prev) +415 Lillegul talk contribs (‎Changed claim: linked entity (P15): Convent of Saint Augustine (Rome) (Q408))
 N    09:25  Collection of Luca Olstenio (Q2213)‎‎ 4 changes history +977 [Lillegul‎ (4×)]
09:25 (cur | prev) +117 Lillegul talk contribs (‎Added [en] description: Luca Olstenio's collection in the Angelica Library in Rome)
09:25 (cur | prev) +86 Lillegul talk contribs (‎Added [en] label: Collection of Luca Olstenio)
09:25 (cur | prev) +414 Lillegul talk contribs (‎Created claim: instance of (P1): collection (Q10))
09:25 (cur | prev) +360 Lillegul talk contribs (‎Created a new Item: Collezione di Luca Olstenio, collezione di Luca Olstenio nella biblioteca Angelica a Roma)
 N    09:18  Collection of Enrico Noris (Q2212)‎‎ 4 changes history +988 [Lillegul‎ (4×)]
09:18 (cur | prev) +414 Lillegul talk contribs (‎Created claim: instance of (P1): collection (Q10))
09:18 (cur | prev) +125 Lillegul talk contribs (‎Added [en] description: collection donated by Enrico Noris to the Angelica Library in Rome)
09:18 (cur | prev) +85 Lillegul talk contribs (‎Added [en] label: Collection of Enrico Noris)
09:18 (cur | prev) +364 Lillegul talk contribs (‎Created a new Item: Collezione di Enrico Noris, collezione donata da Enrico Noris alla biblioteca Angelica a Roma)
 N    09:15  Volkmann 1770, 2, 380 (2) (Q2211)‎‎ 9 changes history +4,167 [Lillegul‎ (9×)]
09:15 (cur | prev) +334 Lillegul talk contribs (‎Created claim: volume (P82): 2)
09:15 (cur | prev) +418 Lillegul talk contribs (‎Created claim: main subject (P13): Biblioteca Angelica (Rome) (Q407))
09:14 (cur | prev) +336 Lillegul talk contribs (‎Created claim: page(s) (P74): 380)
09:14 (cur | prev) +418 Lillegul talk contribs (‎Created claim: taken from (P8): Historisch-Kritische Nachrichten von Italien, welche eine genaue Beschreibung dieses Landes, der ... Aus den neuesten Franzosischen und englischen Anmerkungen zusammengetragen von D.J. J. Volkmann (Q1996))
09:14 (cur | prev) +1,731 Lillegul talk contribs (‎Created claim: text of the quotation (P4): Man findet hier die Handschriften des obgedachten Kardinals Norris. Einen ansehnlichen Zuwachs hat sie durch des gelehrten Lucas Holstenius Sammlung bekommen, und durch die herrliche Bibliothek des Kardinals Paßionei ist sie verdoppelt worden.)
09:14 (cur | prev) +412 Lillegul talk contribs (‎Created claim: instance of (P1): quotation (Q3))
09:13 (cur | prev) +98 Lillegul talk contribs (‎Added [en] description: excerpt on the Angelica Library in Rome)
09:13 (cur | prev) +84 Lillegul talk contribs (‎Added [en] label: Volkmann 1770, 2, 380 (2))
09:13 (cur | prev) +336 Lillegul talk contribs (‎Created a new Item: Volkmann 1770, 2, 380 (2), brano sulla biblioteca Angelica a Roma)
      09:13  Volkmann 1770, 2, 380 (Q2210)‎‎ 9 changes history +4,532 [Lillegul‎ (9×)]
09:13 (cur | prev) +402 Lillegul talk contribs (‎Created claim: main subject (P13): Angelo Rocca (Q717))
09:13 (cur | prev) +402 Lillegul talk contribs (‎Created claim: main subject (P13): Convent of Saint Augustine (Rome) (Q408))
09:11 (cur | prev) +334 Lillegul talk contribs (‎Created claim: volume (P82): 2)
09:11 (cur | prev) +418 Lillegul talk contribs (‎Created claim: main subject (P13): Biblioteca Angelica (Rome) (Q407))
09:10 (cur | prev) +336 Lillegul talk contribs (‎Created claim: page(s) (P74): 380)
09:10 (cur | prev) +418 Lillegul talk contribs (‎Created claim: taken from (P8): Historisch-Kritische Nachrichten von Italien, welche eine genaue Beschreibung dieses Landes, der ... Aus den neuesten Franzosischen und englischen Anmerkungen zusammengetragen von D.J. J. Volkmann (Q1996))
09:10 (cur | prev) +1,103 Lillegul talk contribs (‎Changed claim: text of the quotation (P4): Das an die Kirche stoßende Kloster ist sehr weitläuftig [...]Die Bibliothek des Klosters steht fünf Tage in der Woche jedermann offen. Sie ist von einem gewissen Angelo Rocca von Camerino gestiftet, daher sie Angelica heißt, und gehört, nachdem sie auf verschiedene Weise vermehrt worden, unter die wichtigsten in Rom.)
09:09 (cur | prev) +707 Lillegul talk contribs (‎Created claim: text of the quotation (P4): Das an die Kirche stoßende Kloster ist sehr weitläuftig [...]Die Bibliothek des Klosters steht fünf Tage in der Woche jedermann offen. Sie ist von einem gewissen Angelo Rocca von Camerino gestiftet, daher sie Angelica heißt, und gehört, nachdem sie auf verschiedene Weise vermehrt worden, unter die wichtigsten in Rom.)
09:07 (cur | prev) +412 Lillegul talk contribs (‎Created claim: instance of (P1): quotation (Q3))