Elenco delle opere dalle quali sono già state estrapolate tutte le citazioni
Opere lavorate
Elenco delle opere lavorate parzialmente
Opere lavorate parzialmente
Autore |
Titolo dell'edizione esaminata |
Numero delle citazioni
Thomas Martyn (Q15) |
A tour through Italy. Containing full directions for travelling in that interesting country [...] (Q14) |
Joseph Addison (Q111) |
Remarks on Several parts of Italy, &c. In the Years 1701, 1702, 1703. (Q175) |
Jean-Jacques Barthélemy (Q114) |
Travels in Italy, by the late Abbé Barthelemy, author of the travels of Anacharsis the younger; with an appendix, containing several pieces never before published (Q182) |
Francesco Beltrami (Q115) |
Il forestiere instruito delle cose notabili della città di Ravenna, e suburbane della medesima. Operetta di Francesco Beltrami prete ravennate (Q179) |
John Boyle (Q118) |
Letters from Italy in the years 1754 and 1755 (Q177) |
Jean Baptiste-Marie Guidi (Q122) |
Lettres contenant le journal d'un voyage fait a Rome en 1773, 1 (Q174) |
John Northall (Q171) |
Travels through Italy. Containing New and curious Observations on that Country... (Q193) |
Marie-Jeanne de La Marre (Q190) |
Description historique de l'Italie, en forme de dictionnaire 2 (Q184) |
Hester Lynch Piozzi (Q191) |
Observations and reflections made in the course of a journey through France, Italy and Germany, 1 (Q178) |
Dominique Vivant Denon (Q196) |
Voyage en Sicile par M. De Non, gentilhomme ordinaire du Roi, et de l'Academie royale de Peinture et Sculpture. (Q181) |
Jérôme Richard (Q197) |
Description historique et critique de l'Italie, ou Nouveaux mémoires sur l'état actuel de son gouvernement, des sciences, des arts, du commerce, de la population & de l'histoire naturelle 1 (Q173) |
Anna Riggs Miller (Q339) |
Letters from Italy, describing the manners, customs, antiquities, paintings,&c. of that Country. In the years 1770. and 1771., to a friend residing in France. By an english woman 1 (Q338) |